
Shubham Agarwal

Research Software Engineer - AI

MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, Cambridge, MA

I am currently a Research Software Engineer - AI at the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, Cambridge, MA. My main interests lie in the intersection between AI, dialogue systems and planning. Some of the projects I have completed include creating intelligent conversational agents, declarative dialogue design and execution systems, and automated time-series analytics (Award-winning project as Best Technical Demo at AAAI 2020).

I hold a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Arizona State University in July 2017, where I worked on Natural Language Understanding and Semantic Parsing of English natural language (see thesis: “ Aligning English Sentences with Abstract Meaning Representation Graphs using Inductive Logic Programming “).


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Dialogue Systems
  • AI Planning
  • Kubernetes, Docker


  • Masters in Computer Science, 2017

    Arizona State University, Tempe

  • Bachelors in Information Systems, 2015

    Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
