Source Themes

TraceHub - A Platform to bridge gap between State-Of-The-Art Time-Series Analytics and Datasets

(AAAI Best Technical Demo Award!) A platform that connects new non-trivial state-of-the-art time-series analytics with datasets from different domains

MAi : An Intelligent Model Acquisition Interface for Interactive Specification of Dialog Agents

A declarative approach to dialogue design

Bayesian inference of linear temporal logic specifications for contrastive explanations

Contrastive explanations using BayesLTL – a Bayesian probabilistic model for inferring contrastive explanations as linear temporal logic (LTL) specifications

Planning for Goal-Oriented Dialogue Systems

A declarative representation of the dialogue agent to be processed by state-of-the-art planning technology

Executing Contingent Plans: Addressing Challenges in Deploying Artificial Agents

A proposed executor that can reason using the sophisticated action effects, and we demonstrate the impact this can have empirically

Generating Dialogue Agents via Automated Planning

Using domain-independent AI planning to automatically create dialogue plans, customized to guide a dialogue towards achieving a given goal

{MAi}: An Interface for Declarative Specification of Goal-Directed Dialogue Agents

A declarative approach to dialogue design

Executing Contingent Plans: Challenges in Deploying Artificial Agents

A proposed executor that can reason using the sophisticated action effects, and we demonstrate the impact this can have empirically

Aligning English Sentences with Abstract Meaning Representation Graphs using Inductive Logic Programming

An aligner for AMR parsing

Automated software test data generation using improved search procedure

An aligner for AMR parsing