
TraceHub - A Platform to bridge gap between State-Of-The-Art Time-Series Analytics and Datasets

(AAAI Best Technical Demo Award!) A platform that connects new non-trivial state-of-the-art time-series analytics with datasets from different domains

Planning for Goal-Oriented Dialogue Systems

A declarative representation of the dialogue agent to be processed by state-of-the-art planning technology

Bayesian inference of linear temporal logic specifications for contrastive explanations

Contrastive explanations using BayesLTL – a Bayesian probabilistic model for inferring contrastive explanations as linear temporal logic (LTL) specifications

Executing Contingent Plans: Addressing Challenges in Deploying Artificial Agents

A proposed executor that can reason using the sophisticated action effects, and we demonstrate the impact this can have empirically

Generating Dialogue Agents via Automated Planning

Using domain-independent AI planning to automatically create dialogue plans, customized to guide a dialogue towards achieving a given goal

Executing Contingent Plans: Challenges in Deploying Artificial Agents

A proposed executor that can reason using the sophisticated action effects, and we demonstrate the impact this can have empirically